From "Dream" to "Reality":

A Mompreneur Business Planning FREE Webinar!

Using the Planning Pathway Framework to Figure Out How To Break Down Your Business Goals and Make Your Business Dreams a Reality!

Find a Time that Works for You and Join Us!

Does this sound familiar?

I know that you've been trying to juggle your mom life, personal goals, and thinking about starting a business at home and are wondering if you can ever make it work.

And I've completely been there. I was a school teacher for almost a decade before burnout hit me hard. I knew that there had to be something more for me - something that left me feeling fulfilled, while making money for my family and didn't take me even more away from my family. 

When I left the classroom, I knew that I had to come up with a system that would allow me to grow my business - without putting my family and my own goals last. 

What I realized was that all the messages out there for work at home moms sounded the same...

"Get up earlier than your kids or you're lazy."

"You need to want it bad enough."

"Just be motivated and hustle - you'll get it done!"

What those messages didn't take into account was all of the other things that were on my plate as a work at home mom. 

I wasn't just balancing my business by itself. I had to manage the mental load of the needs of my family, keep everything running in my home seamlessly, and try to find time for my own personal goals. And in the beginning, I found my business goals slipping further and further away as I tried to manage "all the things". I had 'shiny object syndrome' and kept trying to figure out the 'magic pill' to make my business a success.

What I realized is that I needed to pause, slow down, and create a concrete vision & action plan for my business BEFORE diving in and trying to make everything work. 

But it all depends on how you look at your business, realize that there is no 'one size fits all' formula that will have you magically get things done, and know that YOU have the power to create a business model, vision, and goals that are possible for you to achieve. 

This is EXACTLY what we're going to cover inside this FREE live workshop!

Choose a Time Below!

How We'll Get There...


Before we decide where you want to focus on in your business, let's make sure your offer is something you're excited about, people will pay for, and something that will propel your goals forward. We'll also make sure you're sure of WHO you want to help moving forward!

Whether your business is still a dream in your head or you've already got it off the ground, we'll start our webinar going through exercises to make sure the direction you're heading in makes sense for you, your life, and your season. 


After we've done some dreaming about your business in general, it's time to create a vision. This is where we'll figure out WHERE your business fits into your life (and not the other way around) 

By pausing to ask ourselves what success ACTUALLY will look like for OUR lives (and not just what some guru on the internet tells you - seriously, your goals are NOT my goals!),  we'll be able to define success on our own terms. We'll use these visions to propel our goals forward (even on those tough and unmotivated days - because we know we'll have them).


The second half of our webinar is going to take those dreams and that incredible vision and make it a reality! We'll start to end the 'plan' stage of the framework and determine HOW exactly you'll help people (and finally get your business moving and grooving). 

Using my proven formulas, we'll analyze your current business model (and create one if you don't have one currently) and see how it aligns with your goals. In this section of the class, we'll also start to think about any new products you might want to get off the ground this year.


Before we close out our time together, we'll determine exactly WHAT to do to get you to achieve all the goals you're so excited about. You'll leave the webinar with having made a decision about what project to work on (will it be a blog? podcast? new course or offer?) and start to determine the steps to get there. 

This plan will be something you can get started on right away so that you can move one step closer to your goals!

Choose a Time Below!

Hear From Past Attendees!

"It was an awesome class and I'm looking forward to watching my journey continue to unfold as I follow my new road map!"

- Nicole B.

"After this class, I have a draft plan for the next 6 months of content for my business as well as the full plan for the next month and hope to get 3 to 6 months ahead on content with my plan."

- Michelle Q.

"The biggest success I have after this class is that I have an idea of what the bigger picture looks like I can now focus in on where I need to go."

- Michelle D.

Choose a Time Below!


How long is the webinar?

Prepare for about 35-45 minutes. I do my best to keep focused so that we can get out early - I know your time is precious!

Where is the webinar held?

You'll get to tune in using our webinar platform called Easy Webinar - all you need is the internet and you can watch from your phone or computer!

What if I can't attend live?

No problem! Part of your registration gets you access to the replay page so that you can watch (and rewatch) the videos on your own schedule.  But you have to register to even get that replay access! PS for people who attend during their registered time, I do offer a MAJOR discount on one of my programs at the end - and you can't get that via the replay!

Hey There, I'm Cara!

I'm a productivity coach for moms and mompreneurs and I help them develop systems and routines so that they can manage their time and take action without having to hustle or live in mom guilt! 

As a mom of 3 and former school teacher, I know how important it is to have routines and systems in my home & life and I want to help you get there too!

When I was a teacher, I had systems and routines that ran my day. I knew what I was supposed to do when, I showed up on time and, I felt more together. When I became a mom, I somehow forgot all those things and things were a mess!

I realized that if I ran my home and my new business the same way I looked at my systems as a teacher - I would save time and be successful!

And that's exactly what I found! Since creating systems in my home and using a planning process that didn't just add everything to my already bursting to-do list, I've been able to make my day-to-day demands easier, crush some big goals, and live a life that feels more aligned!

Now I get to run a life on my terms while ditching the burnout and overwhelm! I’ve been able to help thousands of other moms do the same - and now I want to help you create a plan for all your goals!