A 4 Day Challenge to Help You Create a Simple Summer Schedule (even while your kids are home!)
A 4 day challenge with live workshops to help you create a Simple Summer Schedule!
Before diving into summer goal setting, let's take a moment to reflect on the first half of the year. We'll begin by honestly assessing your progress and achievements in 2024 so far.
This plan will serve as your roadmap, guiding you in choosing priorities and making decisions throughout the summer break.
Now, let's pull out your calendar and start to decide where things will actually fit. We'll map out your kids camp, vacation and home times so that you can make a plan of when you can get things done vs. when you put on your 'mom hat' for summer fun.
We'll talk about how to create themes for your blocks so that you can get work done, have fun and actually sit and relax. We'll talk about how to backwards plan tasks so that you can get things done with everyone running around.
Day 1: Tuesday, May 28th
Day 2: Wednesday, May 29th
Day 3: Thursday, May 30th
Day 4: Friday, May 31st
Each Day's Line Up
This action oriented workbook will help you cut through the clutter of your thoughts & help you craft your organized plan
To help keep your goals digital, I’ve created an epic Trello board for you that has the entire summer set up.
From May 28th- May 31st, you can join us live for classes! We kick off at 1pm E/T and kick off the lesson with 20 minutes of laser targeted. All replays are yours to keep - though we encourage you to get on live if you can because we have lots of prizes to give out!
Want to get questions & coaching in real time? Each day you’ll have a chance to jump on a hot seat and work through any obstacles holding you back - and get direct coaching from Cara!
After the lesson, we’ll give you the chance to go into breakout rooms to actually work on the daily assignment! You’ll also get a chance to connect & collaborate with other moms in the ‘trenches’ with you!
We LOVE to give out prizes here at A Purpose Driven Mom and this challenge is no different. Inside our private Facebook group, attendees can connect with each other, enter to win prizes daily!
Make sure you join us so that you can prioritize yourself this summer! See you at the challenge.
Prepare for each day to be around 40-60 minutes - but you don't need to stay for it all. We'll kick off each day with 20 minutes of teaching where I'll give you a clear assignment. Next, you get the chance to go into breakout rooms with other participants to either chat through what you're working on OR just use it for work time to get it done. We'll then close out with coaching where you can ask Cara any questions that came up during your work time! So prepare to actually get the work done - I can't stand attending events where I then have to take a ton more time to implement what I've learned and this class will maximize your time!
All 4 days will be live on a zoom webinar with a recording added to the replay page before the end of the day. We will have a Facebook group where you can ask questions and win prizes but, Facebook is NOT a requirement!
No problem! Part of your ticket gets you lifetime access to the replay page so that you can watch (and rewatch) the videos on your own schedule.
I'm a productivity coach for moms and mompreneurs and I help them develop systems and routines so that they can manage their time and take action without having to hustle or live in mom guilt!
As a mom of 3 and former school teacher, I know how important it is to have routines and systems in my home & life and I want to help you get there too!
When I was a teacher, I had systems and routines that ran my day. I knew what I was supposed to do when, I showed up on time and, I felt more together. When I became a mom, I somehow forgot all those things and things were a mess!
I realized that if I ran my home and my new business the same way I looked at my systems as a teacher - I would save time and be successful!
And that's exactly what I found! Since creating systems in my home and using a planning process that didn't just add everything to my already bursting to-do list, I've been able to make my day-to-day demands easier, crush some big goals, and live a life that feels more aligned!
Now I get to run a life on my terms while ditching the burnout and overwhelm! I’ve been able to help thousands of over moms do the same - and now I want to help you create a plan for 2024!
A 4 day challenge with live workshops to help you create a SIMPLE SUMMER SCHEDULE.